cat.jpg DI-BlueCreamCat3.jpg

Blue Cream Cat

DI-BlueMoonDance1.jpg DI-BlueMoonDance3.jpg

Blue Moon Dance

DI-BlueMoonJungle1.jpg DI-BlueMoonJungle3.jpg

Blue Moon Jungle

Calico Horses in Jungle DI-CalicoHorsesJungle3.jpg

Calico Horses in Jungle

Caribou and Wolves DI-CaribouWolves3.jpg

Caribou and Wolves

Cats and Cards DI-CatsCards3.jpg

Cats and Cards

Cat's Cradle III DI-CatsCradle3.jpg

Cat's Cradle III

Cats Entwined DI-CatsEntwined3.jpg

Cats Entwined

A Confusion of Ducks DI-ConfusionDucks3.jpg

A Confusion of Ducks

Congo Glade DI-CongoGlade3.jpg

Congo Glade

DI-DarkSun1.jpg DI-DarkSun3.jpg

Dark of the Sun

Embarkation DI-Embarkation3.jpg


Equine Pinwheel DI-EquinePinwheel3.jpg

Equine Pinwheel

Garden of Eden I DI-GardenEden-I-3.jpg

Garden of Eden I

DI-GoldenJungle1.jpg DI-GoldenJungle3.jpg

Golden Jungle (Needlepoint)

Gold and Silver DI-GoldSilver3.jpg

Gold and Silver

Grendel's Nest DI-GrendelsNest3.jpg

Grendel's Nest

Harlequin Jungle DI-HarlequinJungle3.jpg

Harlequin Jungle

Hill Forest of Kumaon DI-HillForestKumaon3.jpg
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Hill Forest of Kumaon

Ibex and Ounce DI-IbexOunce3.jpg

Ibex and Ounce

In the Greenwood DI-InGreenwood3.jpg

In the Greenwood

The Island of King Minos DI-IslandKingMinos3.jpg

The Island of King Minos

Jaguar and Toucans DI-JaguarToucans3.jpg
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Jaguar and Toucans

The Jungle Within DI-JungleWithin3.jpg

The Jungle Within

Kenya Heights DI-KenyaHeights3.jpg

Kenya Heights


King Cheetahs

Lonesome Loon DI-LonesomeLoon3.jpg
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Lonesome Loon

Luando Morning DI-LuandoMorning3.jpg

Luando Morning

Merry-Go-Round DI-MerryGoRoundCircle3.jpg


Moonscape DI-Moonscape3.jpg


Moth-Hour DI-MothHour3.jpg


Okavango Pool DI-OkavangoPool3.jpg

Okavango Pool

Outside In DI-OutsideIn3.jpg

Outside In

Pastures of Memory DI-PastureMemories3.jpg

Pastures of Memory

Serengeti Triad DI-SerengetiTriad3.jpg

Serengeti Triad

Stormy Nyika DI-StormyNyika3.jpg

Stormy Nyika

Tigers of Rewa II DI-TigersRewa-2-3.jpg

Tigers of Rewa II



Year of the Rooster DI-YearRooster3.jpg

Year of the Rooster

Calico Jungle DI-CalicoJungle2.jpg

Calico Jungle
